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Brentwood Rare Fruit Farm is an USDA certified organic grower and sells to the public directly the following products:

  1. Jujube (Chinese red date)

  2. Pakistan Mulberry Fruit

About our products

Jujube (Chinese red date)

People also call Jujube red date or Chinese red date. It is originated in China where they have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years.

The fruit is a drupe, with shapes varying from round to elongate and sizes from cherry like to plum-like. When it ripens, it goes through from green to red-colored spots. The fully mature fruit is entirely red. The fruits can be eaten fresh and dried. Most people prefer them before fully mature, as the flesh is crisp and sweet, reminiscent of an apple. If the fruit is picked green, it will not ripen but turn red, and there is no sugar build up even when it turns red because unlike peaches and pears, jujubes need photosynthethesis to build up the sugar content in the fruits before harvesting from the tree, because of this, it is better to wait until the fruits is shining yellow with some hue of red (for Shanxi Li) or at least 40% of the skin turn red before picking it off the tree for best flavor.

All varieties that grow in our farm are good for fresh eating.  If you want to pick/buy more and preserve it for later enjoyment, Sugar Cane and Honey Jar are best for drying; the relatively smaller size makes them easy to dry and the sweetness and texture of the flesh make them the best of drying red dates.  Shanxi Li is the best for making jujube paste in addition to fresh eating, simply because the fruit is big and sweet, resembling a small apple.  GA866 is good for everything because of its medium size, sweetness and texture. Jujube paste can be used in bakery or to make smoothie with milk.  You can add the smoothie to your oatmeal or cereal or simply enjoy a cup of jujube smoothie, the sweetness and the special aroma of jujube will make your breakfast like heaven, you can’t resist it.  Homemade jujube paste does not contain any additives and preservatives, only the natural flavor and sweetness, safe and healthy.  If it is refrigerator kept (frozen), jujube paste can last up to one year, and it is still very fresh.

Jujube fruit harvesting season in our farm is September and October, depending on the varieties and the weather.

Jujube contains 20 times more vitamin C than any other citrus fruit, thus it is commonly called the “King of Vitamin C.”  Jujube fruits have been very popular in the Chinese community as well as in other nations in Asia.

Medical studies show that jujube fruits have the capacity helping lower blood pressure, treat anemia and inhibit the growth of tumor cells that can lead to leukemia [1]. Jujube fruits benefit the skin care and diminish wrinkles. They help keep your cholesterol levels in the normal range. The substance found in jujube fruits may help reduce the risk of cancer and benefit liver, digestion and treat anxiety as well as sleeping promoting [2][3][4][5].

[1] Fitoterapia vol. 90 2014

[2] Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017

[3] Chinese Dates, 2016

[4] Pharm Res. 2010 Jun; 27960: 962-978.

[5] Michael J Breus, Ph.D. "How Jujube Can Improve Your Sleep and Health", Psychology Today, Sept 28, 2018

Pakistan Mulberry


Pakistan mulberry was originated in Islamabad, Pakistan. It produces incredibly large 4” long ruby red-purple fruits, thus it is often called “the Queen of mulberry.” Pakistan mulberry fruits are juicy, delicious and nutritious, tasted sweet with a very special type of fragrance. The fruits can be eaten fresh or dried for tasty snacks. It can also be frozen to be used as topping in cake or yogurt or to make smoothie. Pakistan mulberry has some characteristics that other mulberries don’t have: it is a “friendly” fruit, its juice doesn’t stain your clothes and there are no crunching seeds inside the fruit to get stuck in your teeth while you are eating.

Pakistan mulberry season is early May to early June.


Contact us

Address: 3028 Propeller Lane, Brentwood, CA 94513

Phone: 630-709-9647 (Jane cell)


Your supports are very much appreciated!  Together we grow!

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